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OCAAA Constitution and Bylaws

(Amended, March 5, 2021)


The official name of this organization shall be The Oxnard College Athletic Alumni Association, hereafter referred to as the “Association.” The organization name may also be referred to as the acronym “OCAAA.” 


Association Membership shall refer to members of the Association who have met the membership requirements as described under Article IV of the Constitution and Bylaws.

Board Member shall refer to a member of the Association who has been appointed to represent the Association on the Board of Directors.

Board of Directors shall refer collectively to members of the Association who have been appointed as a Board Member.

Constitution and Bylaws shall refer to the written guidelines implemented by the Association to conduct the business of the Association.

Executive Committee shall refer collectively to the Officers who have been appointed by the Board of Directors to serve in leadership roles on behalf of the Association.

Member in good standing shall refer to an individual who has fulfilled the requirements for membership in the Association, who neither has voluntarily withdrawn from membership nor has been expelled or suspended from membership after appropriate proceedings consistent with provisions of the Constitution and Bylaws.                                               

Officers shall refer to Board Members who have been appointed to serve in the following leadership roles on the Executive Committee: Chair, Vice Chair, Marketing and Social Media Chair, Recruitment and Retention Chair, Community Liaison, Secretary, and Treasurer.

Chair shall refer to the Chairman or Chairwoman of the Association who is appointed by the Board of Directors and serves on the Executive Committee.

Term shall refer to the number of years for which a Board Member and/or Officer shall serve.  A full term shall consist of three years.


The Oxnard College Athletic Alumni Association is a non-profit and gender-equitable organization that is made of a diverse group of individuals who have participated in any of the athletic programs offered at Oxnard College. The association aligns with Oxnard College core educational mission, by serving as one of the multiple pathways that leads student-athletes to both academic and athletic success.

The purpose of the Association shall be to promote the growth, progress, and general welfare of the College by:

(a) representing the interests of athletic alumni and the Association in matters affecting the College;

(b) encouraging athletic alumni participation in Association and College sponsored events and activities;

(c) enhancing solicitation of donations, gifts, and contributions of whatsoever nature to the College;

(d) fostering and maintaining mutually beneficial relationships between its athletic alumni, friends, and college administration; and

(e) supporting and participating in the recruitment and retention of students to the College.

The goals of the Association will:

(a) Provide an effective branding program that will create interest and engage growth of the number of athletic alumni in campus programs.

(b) Encourage athletic alumni to maintain a network and serve as advocates for the College.

(c) Serve as an organization that responds to the diverse needs of both female and male athletic alumni relative to their careers, desire for lifelong learning and engagement, social interaction.

(d) Provide volunteer and support services to the athletic program and the College.

(e) Enhance the athletic program and the alumni community, by offering networking opportunities, hosting special events, such as an inaugural event, alumni hall of fame night, alumni games, golf tournaments, fundraising, etc. to support the Athletic Department.

(f) Assess the interests and needs of current student-athletes based on their affinities with the College to better understand and serve the dynamic, diverse, and talented community.

(g) Provide an effective athletic alumni association Board of Directors by establishing interested and dynamic alumni leadership that provides professional experience, creative thinking, and open-mindedness for the benefit of the Association, Athletic Department, and the College.

(h) Recognize outstanding athletic OCAAA Members and the contributions they have made to the Association, Athletic Department, and College.


The Association Membership shall be as follows:

(a) Members. Graduates and attendees of the College, who participated in Athletics, shall automatically be members of the Association upon receipt of a Membership Application.

(b) Honorary Members. Board Members, members of the faculty, and members of the administration of the College may become members of the Association upon receipt of a Membership Application.

The Board of Directors reserves the right to establish policies for granting an honorary membership in the Association to individuals who have made significant contributions to the College or are friends of the College but do not qualify for membership.

The Board of Directors reserves the right to establish additional levels of membership and to set membership dues and provide policy for the collection of those dues. Dues collected on behalf of the Association shall be deposited into a financial account of the Association. The establishment of dues shall require majority approval of the Board of Directors, and the creation of a 501(c) (3) tax-exempt status, through the Internal Revenue Service.

The Association Membership may attend the Board of Directors Meetings or the Annual Meeting; however, only Board Members shall vote on agenda items presented during the Board of Directors meeting.

In the event a Member or Honorary Member shall be deemed to be a member not in good standing and necessitates removal, a majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be required.


The purpose of the Board of Directors shall be to exercise and manage the duties and responsibilities of the Association as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. The Board of Directors shall consist of no more than twenty (20) members.  The President of the College, and their designee(s), shall serve as an ex officio non-voting member of the Board of Directors.

Applications to serve on the Board of Directors shall be accepted by the Recruitment and Retention Chair. The Chair will contact applicants to confirm their interest in serving and present applications to the Board of Directors for review. The Executive Committee shall present recommended applications to the Board of Directors for approval by a majority vote. Appointees to the Board of Directors shall be appointed, from July to June, to a full term of three (3) years. After completing a term, Board Members may serve additional terms by submitting an Application to be considered for reappointment.

In the event a Board Member is unable to serve and/or complete their term, the Board of Directors may declare a vacancy of the position and appoint by a majority vote a Member of the Association to fill such vacancy. Board Members appointed to fill a vacancy shall serve the unexpired term through the end of the term for which they are filling. If the vacant term is less than one year from expiring, the Board Member may be automatically reappointed to the Board of Directors for a full three year term.

In the event a Board Member shall be deemed to be a member not in good standing and necessitates removal, a majority vote of the Board of Directors shall be required.        


The Officers of the Association shall be the Chair, Vice Chair, Marketing and Social Media Chair, Recruitment and Retention Chair, Public Liaison, Secretary, and Treasurer and shall be known collectively as the Executive Committee. The Board of Directors shall appoint by a majority vote Officers at the Annual Meeting. Officers shall serve a term of one (1) year assuming office on July 1 of each year and relinquishing office on June 30 of the following year.  Meetings of the Executive Committee shall be scheduled by the Chair as deemed necessary.

All Officers must be Members in good standing with the Association.

No Ex Officio Board Members shall serve as an Officer of the Association.

In the event the Chair is unable to complete his/her term, the Vice Chair shall accept the responsibilities and duties of the Chair.


The duties of the Officers of the Association shall be subject to the delegation of duties provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. The Officers shall work to fulfill the purpose of the Association as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. 

(a) Chair. The Chair shall provide the necessary leadership and guidance required to accomplish the purpose of the Association as defined herein, including but not limited to presiding over meetings of the Association, Board of Directors, and Executive Committee, serving as an ex officio member on any of the Board of Directors’ Standing Committees, coordinating planning objectives for the coming year, appearing on behalf of the Association as opportunities are provided, maintaining contact with the alumni, and performing such other duties as are required of the office.

(b) Vice Chair. The Vice Chair shall handle the duties and responsibilities of the Chair in the absence of or at the request of the Chair, shall accept the responsibilities and duties of the Chair if for any reason the Chair is unable to complete their term of office, shall serve as liaison to the Board of Directors’ Standing Committees and provide reports from the Standing Committees to the Board of Directors, and shall perform such other duties as are required of the office.

(c) Marketing and Social Media Chair (MSMC). The Marketing and Social Media Chair shall work to increase student and alumni awareness of OCAAA, foster engagement on social media, create a marketing strategy for OCAAA, and promote events and programs sponsored by OCAAA and the campus and community. As a member of the Executive Committee, the MSMC is expected to attend all Association meetings and provide updates regarding the effectiveness of the social media platforms (e.g. Instagram, Twitter, and Facebook).

(d) Recruitment and Retention Chair (RRC). The Recruitment and Retention Chair shall maintain the OCAAA database (1975-present).  They are responsible for all recruitment and retention efforts; foster engagement of new board members and general membership and work to retain membership in the Association. As a member of the Executive Committee, the RRC is expected to attend all Association meetings and provide updates regarding recruitment.  The RRC shall work closely with the MSMC to formulate strategies to attract membership to the Association.

(e) Community Liaison. The Community Liaison shall collaborate with local community leadership to develop partnership opportunities for OCAAA and the local alumni population. In addition, the Community Liaison will coordinate a committee as needed to implement events and philanthropically inspired programming that encourages a volunteering and giving culture. The Community Liaison is expected to attend all Association meetings and provide updates regarding new partnerships and events.

(f) Secretary. The Secretary shall record the minutes of the Executive Committee, Board of Directors, and Association meetings, provide notice of meetings of the Board of Directors, Executive Committee and Association, and perform such other duties as are required of the office. The Secretary is expected to attend all Association meetings.

(g) Treasurer.  The Treasurer shall maintain the financial records of the Board of Directors and provide a financial report to the Board at each of the Board meetings. The Treasurer shall also be responsible for collecting and depositing to the Association account, all monies collected through fundraising efforts of the Association.   The Secretary is expected to attend all Association meetings.


The Board of Directors shall have the authority to establish Standing Committees to fulfill the purpose of the Association as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws. Establishment of additional Standing Committees shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors with the Constitution and Bylaws being amended upon approval of such Committees. The Executive Committee shall have the authority to appoint Board Members to the Standing Committees.  Each of the Standing Committees shall appoint a member of their Committee to serve as the Chair.

The duties of the Standing Committees shall be to review, develop, and present recommendations and updates to the Board of Directors on matters involving the responsibilities of each Committee. Recommendations brought by each Standing Committee shall be approved by the Board of Directors or Executive Committee, as provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws, by a majority vote. It shall be the responsibility of each Standing Committee to insure that actions approved and directions given by the Board of Directors are executed with the assistance of the Board of Directors and the Association. 

In the event a Board Member is unable to serve on a Standing Committee, the Executive Committee shall appoint a Board Member to fill the vacancy. Meetings of the Standing Committees shall be scheduled by the Chair as deemed necessary.


Nominations for Alumni Awards are accepted by the Board of Directors during the year to recognize outstanding Alumni and Association Membership and the contributions they have made to the College and/or Association. Nominations are accepted until the deadline date as provided on the Nomination Application with recommendations made by the Awards Committee and presented to the Executive Committee for consideration. Award recipients shall be selected by the Executive Committee and presented by the Association during the Annual Alumni Banquet. 

Alumni of the Year Award. The recipient shall be a graduate of the College and shall be recognized for providing significant service to the College through their involvement as a volunteer in College and/or Association activities.

Friend of the Year Award. The recipient shall be an individual who may or may not have attended the College and shall be recognized for outstanding service to the College and/or Association.

President’s Award. The recipient shall be a member of the Board of Directors and shall be recognized for their contributions to the Association.

The Board of Directors reserves the right to establish additional awards not provided for in the Constitution and Bylaws as deemed appropriate and necessary. Such additional awards established shall be approved by a majority vote of the Board of Directors. The Constitution and Bylaws shall be amended to include such additions.


Annual Meeting. The Annual Meeting of the Association shall be held in the spring at the College at such date and time as designated by the Board of Directors in conjunction with the Executive Committee monthly meeting. Notification of the Annual Meeting shall be provided by the Secretary to the Association, by acceptable means of communication which are most effective and efficient in notifying the Association Membership in a timely manner.

Executive Committee Meeting. The Executive Committee meetings shall be held monthly during the year at such place and time as designated by the Board of Directors. One of the meetings shall be the Annual Meeting. Notification of the Executive Committee Meeting shall be provided by the Secretary to the Association.

Meetings shall follow procedures contained in the latest revision of Robert’s Rules of Order, except to the extent as they may conflict with this Constitution and Bylaws.

Action may be taken on any matter presented to the Board of Directors as long as a quorum is present in person and/or by acceptable means of communication allowing for the member to participate in the meeting simultaneously. A quorum shall be considered as a majority of the membership.

Standing Committees.  Meetings of each Standing Committee shall be scheduled by the Chair of each Committee as deemed necessary.



Upon recommendation of the Board of Directors, the Constitution and Bylaws may be repealed, added to, or amended by a majority vote of the Board of Directors members.

Submitted to and approved by the Board of Directors of the Oxnard College Athletic Alumni Association during its Annual Meeting.

©2021 by Oxnard College Athletic Alumni Association. Proudly created with

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