OCAAA Hall of Fame
The purpose of the Oxnard College Athletic Alumni Hall of Fame is to recognize and honor those Oxnard College athletes, coaches, administrators and contributors who excelled in their respective sports or coaching/support roles and who helped to bring honor, recognition, distinction and excellence to Oxnard College by their conduct both on and off the field (or court) of competition. This recognition will foster a spirit of pride and sense of community as well as serve as a historical account of the athletic traditions of Oxnard College.
Athletes are eligible for nomination five (5) years after their year of graduation and must be citizens in good standing within their current school, career, or life situation. Special circumstances may be permitted as determined by the Board. Athletic nominees must have competed and excelled in a California Community College Athletic Association sport. Recognized accomplishments will include individual (e.g. Scholar Athlete, Athlete of the Year, All-American, All Conference) and team accomplishments, individual school or team records held, and impact on teams and the overall athletic program at Oxnard College during the nominee’s era and any accomplishments thereafter.
Nomination is also open to coaches, administrators, and contributors who have participated with distinction and/or made significant contributions (contributor) to athletics at Oxnard College, as evidenced, for example, by the success of their teams and the acknowledgment of their former student-athletes. Coaches or administrators shall be eligible for nomination beginning five (5) years after serviced to Oxnard College, or in special circumstances as determined by the Board. Contributors will also be considered for nomination based upon their service and dedication to the athletic programs at Oxnard College.
While the nomination process is open all year round, the induction process is held once a year in May. A candidate may be nominated to be inducted into the Hall of Fame by any member of the Oxnard College community. Formal nomination shall be made using the nomination form. Application packets will be sent to the nominee by the Association unless otherwise noted on the Nomination Form. The nomination form can be found at the bottom of this page. One application shall be completed per candidate. All applications are to remain confidential and to be shared among the members of the Executive Board only. Information relating to a nominee's career statistics, records, achievements, etc. must be supported by accompanying documentation or sources cited so that the information may be verified independently. Any nominee who is not selected for induction shall automatically be reconsidered for three selection cycles. The Chair will notify any nominee in writing if not selected.
The induction ceremony shall be at a time and a place designated by the Board. The induction ceremony shall consist of a banquet or dinner for the inductees and their families and shall be open to the public. A fee may be charged for members of the public wishing to attend.
Hall of Fame Awards/Memorabilia Display Inductees shall receive a personalized Hall of Fame plaque. A second plaque will be displayed at Oxnard College.
*These procedures will be reviewed by the Hall of Fame Board on an annual basis.
Do you know an Oxnard College Athletic Alumni who should be inducted into the OCAAA HOF? Submit a nomination form!
The nomination process is open all year long. A candidate may be nominated for the OCAAA Hall of Fame by any member of the Oxnard College community. Formal nomination shall be made using the nomination form below.